About CakesToBake.com
This site is owned and operated by CakesToBake.com and is a demonstration of some of the capabilities in our commercial testing and certification software.
Use of this website is free for non-commercial use. For an online demo of our commercial version, please visit demo.sometests.com.
Using cutting-edge software technology we are able to offer powerful online testing software, similar to what you might except from a desktop application.
The maintenance and support of this website is used to continually improve our commercial version. Our growing community of users often provides us with feedback
and suggestions for improvements. Through this iterative process we often implement new features seen only in our free version during a period of
stabilization until the features reach our commercial platform.
Here is a list of some the technologies used in our online testing software:
- Apache Webserver + Tomcat 5
- Hibernate - relational persistence
- Ehcache - Java cache
- c3p0 - JDBC DataSource Pool
- mysql 5 - backend relational database
- Java JSP/Servlets
- Google Web Toolkit (GWT) - Java AJAX framework
- PHP 5 - Hypertext preprocessor
If you have questions or comments please send them to help@cakestobake.com.