Chocolate Vodka Soaked Strawberries
By kml9876 | Published on Wednesday June 13, 2012 | Categories: Sweet Treats | Candy | Holidays | Valentine's Day

I found this recipe on Pinterest. As soon as I read it I knew that I had to try them! These were very easy to make. The recipe can be found here.

  • Chocolate vodka
  • Strawberries
  • 1 Tub of Bakers Dipping Chocolate (I prefer the milk chocolate)

  1. Wash and dry the strawberries.
  2. Put the strawberries in a container that has a lid. Fill with the chocolate vodka and cover. Soak in the fridge for at least 24 hours.
  3. After 24 hours take out the strawberries and pat them dry.
  4. Melt the chocolate in the microwave according to the directions.
  5. Dip the strawberries in the chocolate and place on a plate that is covered with wax paper.
  6. Place the strawberries in the fridge to chill/harden.


The strawberries in the container.

The finished product

  • vodka strawberries
  • vodka soaked strawberries dipped in chocolate
  • cake dipped in vodka
  • vodka soaked strawberries

Article: Chocolate Vodka Soaked Strawberries
Categories: Sweet Treats | Candy | Holidays | Valentine's Day
Description: An adult version of a delicious and decadent dessert!
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Author: kml9876