Summer in a glass
By kml9876 | Published on Monday May 19, 2008 | Categories: Beverages

After making this drink from the FoodNetwork
I decided to create a less potent version

  • 1 shot of vodka
  • 2 shots of pineapple juice
  • 2 shots of cranberry juice
  • Ice cubes

  1. In a shaker pour in all of the ingredients and shake well.
  2. Pour over ice in a small glass.
  3. Serve and enjoy.

Article: Summer in a glass
Categories: Beverages
Description: This is the perfect tropical drink for summer!
Tags: Text:
  1. in a shaker pour in all of the ingredients and shake well.
  2. pour over ice in a small glass.
  3. serve and enjoy.

i decided to create a less potent version

  • 1 shot of vodka
  • 2 shots of pineapple juice
  • 2 shots of cranberry juice
  • ice cubes

    after making this drink from the foodnetwork

    Author: kml9876